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Quiral opinion

It consists of meetings to discuss with experts, representatives of media and institutions of socio world, the annual theme on which research report focuses Quiral.


Opinión Quiral 35.1. Medicina regenerativa: ¿presente o futuro?
Regenerative medicine, which aims to restore the lost functions of organs and tissue, currently offers a wide range of lines for research into future therapies. It has excited interest not only in the field of scientific research, but also in the media with reports on the technology raising hopes for new types of therapy. In the last 20 years regenerative medicine has advanced at an astounding rate, but there still remains much to be done. This edition of Chiral Opinion explores the present state of the discipline and what we may expect of it in the future. Two experts were called upon to expound on the subject, Dr Anna Veiga (director of the Cell Bank of the Barcelona Centre of Regenerative Medicine) and Dr Joan Garcia López (director of the Blood and Tissue Bank), who spoke about their experiences in the area to an audience of journalists and professionals from the fields of sanitation and health. Descarregar

Opinión Quiral 34.2: VIH/SIDA: Pronóstico y tratamiento
The current treatments for AIDS are efficient and fairly well tolerated, although at the moment they are still life-long, with consequences for patients as well as health services. Even though AIDS is now considered a chronic illness, there still remain problems to be solved such as late diagnosis, a growing complacency towards the disease, the high percentage of people not receiving treatment, and the cost of treatment. The invited speakers, Bonaventura Clotet (director of IrsiCaixa) and Josep M. Gatell (head of the Infectious Diseases Services at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona), will talk about these and other subjects, together with journalists and an audience from the medical and public health fields. Descarregar

Opinión Quiral 34.1: Epidemiología y prevención del VIH/sida
AIDS is a major public health problem the world over, due both to its spread and impact in a wide variety of social areas. Being an infection transmitted by direct sexual and intravenous contact it often results in situations of inequality and discrimination. Thirty years after its discovery there is still no cure and it continues to spread. Today we find ourselves in a period of uncertainty, with great challenges to be overcome, especially in the area of prevention. Descarregar

Opinión Quiral 33.2: Cáncer: ¿Se convertirá el cáncer en una enfermedad crónica?
The ever-greater detection of cancer in early stages – resulting in higher rates of survival – and improvements in treatment of patients have resulted in some forms of cancer being regarded as chronic illnesses. These issues were discussed at the Quiral debate by guest speakers Francesc Bosch (Hospital Vall d’Hebron) and Andreu Segura (Institut d’Estudis de la Salut). Unfortunately, the financial costs arising from these initiatives are burdensome, especially during a time of economic cutbacks. Descarregar

Opinión Quiral 33.1: Cáncer: Estudios genéticos en el diagnóstico precoz
Cancer is a disease that affects a large percentage of the population and, although it has many causes, there are cases in which inherited genetics play a decisive role. Early detection can be the key to surviving the disease. This is the context of the debate in which the participants, the researchers Judith Balmaña and Xavier Estivill, defined the current situation of cancer treatment, explained present fields of research and outlined the applications we may expect to see from new advances. Descarregar

Opinión Quiral 32.2. Enfermedad del Alzheimer: tratamiento multidisciplinar
A pesar de las esperanzadoras noticias que nos llegan a menudo sobre los avances en el tratamiento de la enfermedad del Alzheimer, lo cierto es que de momento no se ha podido encontrar ni la forma de prevenir su aparición ni la manera de curarla. De hecho, el tratamiento actual se centra principalmente en mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y el cuidador, así como en retrasar el máximo posible o atender el deterioro cognitivo, los cambios en la conducta y las complicaciones propias de esta enfermedad. El propósito de este encuentro fue el de conocer con detalle en qué consiste actualmente el tratamiento multidisciplinar de la enfermedad del Alzheimer y en qué líneas se está investigando. Descarregar

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