The Loci of Painting

Ten Words

Vicenç Viaplana

"In 2011 I embarked on a trip – without ever leaving the studio – which I entitled 'Excursió per la incertesa’ (Excursion for uncertainty). This series of artworks is the result of that journey. In Deu paraules (Ten words) we perceive some organic forms and we can also imagine the contours and form of a stellar body, or perhaps more so that of subatomic particles. The organic, the microscopic and the most distant universes all coexist throughout this series of works, with scientific references. Points, reminiscent of stars, overlap with spheres that evoke planets or satellites. In one planet, we can see some streams which bring to mind flowing veins and arteries that feed embryonic life, they are there and they are not there, and simultaneously following the almost incomprehensible paradoxes posed by the behaviour of the most elemental particles that break all the laws of physics. A work of art – even one that may be composed of very few elements – should always contain great complexity; like any landscape, for instance. Out of all the things we see in a day, we chose one part, but we can return there and continue discovering…". Vicenç Viaplana