The Loci of Painting

Strange alternative

Vicenç Viaplana

"The real power of painting can only be appreciated in person. Its decline can largely be attributed to when it started being reproduced technically. That is when we began to see what were, in fact, photographed paintings. They were reproductions more or less achieved in two dimensions. But the photographed painting is always lacking another dimension. The third dimension is in the paintings, sometimes it is just a very thin layer of paint, but despite being so fine, it is essential. In Estranya alternativa (Strange alternative) we see an image that reminds us of a strip of a photograph that seems to show some trees. By using the same technique that I had developed from earlier series, in this work I delve into the world of reproduced reality. It is a universe of reproductions – copies of copies, of copies – that have ended up shaping our everyday surroundings. It is a system of communication replete with images and fragmented messages, in which the real point of reference has often been manipulated, irretrievably lost or is about to be lost: such as in the image of the painting whereby the piece of nature, having been reproduced so many times, is barely distinguishable and has even changed colour". Vicenç Viaplana