The minimum gesture

Moisés Moe

Maria Alzamora

“When I began taking the photographs for this project, I was not sure exactly what I was looking for. I was following an intuition, a feeling. Later on, once I had explored this more emotional aspect, the approach took on a structure and shape. Robert Capa once said, “If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough" and I tried to keep this in mind in my photography. He was referring to literally getting close to the subject, but I realize that I also try and apply it on a conceptual level. In order to work on any theme, I cannot do it from a distance: within my abilities, if I am dealing with movement, I have to move; if I am dealing with emotion, I have to feel it. To fulfil this project, I needed to immerse myself in the movements of the dancers and, in some cases, as in this shoot with Moisés ‘Moe’ and Héctor Plaza, I wanted to photograph them twice, and get to know them better. I just needed to get a bit closer.” Maria Alzamora