The Loci of Painting

Même si elle m'est contraire (Even if she is contrary to me)

Vicenç Viaplana

"One day, when I was painting the series "Memòria de llum" (Memory of light), I saw an advertisement for jewellery in a magazine. I do not know why it drew my attention. The jewellery it featured was nothing special. It was quite conventionally designed; some of it was even tacky. But perhaps it was this, this aspect of ridiculousness – commonly seen in luxury items – that inspired me. I would paint the luxury items on austere, dimly lit backgrounds. I wanted to see how it all turned out. Decontextualized jewellery on a background from which light only seeps through the cracks ended up creating a kind of landscape of the unconscious. Sometimes the works just emerge by coincidence, by chance, from a stain, any fragment of an image taken from a publication. Neither is it up to the artist to find any more explanations or meaning, in my opinion. It is just up to us to let ourselves be driven by what we know how to do and to carry it out to the best of our ability. After all, the analysis and the possible meanings of an image are almost infinite". Vicenç Viaplana