Fundació Vila Casas
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Prizes awarded to the Fundació Vila Casas

Prizes awarded

Over the years the Fundació Vila Casas has been awarded various prizes for its artistic and cultural endeavours, as well as for its work conserving architectural heritage. This section provides a list of the several prizes awarded to both the Fundació Vila Casas as an entity and to its founding president.


ACCA 2023 Award for the spaces category
Award granted for commitment to the defense, recovery, promotion and dissemination of art and historical and contemporary artists of Catalonia


Creu de Sant Jordi
Given by: Government of Catalonia


Can Framis Museum. Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award for Contemporary Architecture in the EU
Given by: European Comission and Fundació Mihes Van der Rohe
Can Framis Museum. Finalist and special mention from the jury of the BEAU XI, Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Given by: BEAU
The Art of Collecting at the Fundació Vila Casas. ACCA de la Crítica d’Art First Prize for the best initiative. 27th edition
Given by: ACCA


Can Framis Museum. First Prize Ciutat de Barcelona d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme
Given by: Barcelona City Hall
Museo Can Framis. Primer Premio FAD de la Opinión en Arquitectura, 2010. 52 edición
Given by: FAD
Can Framis Museum. Finalist in the FAD Architectural Prize. 52nd edition
Given by: FAD
Can Framis Garden. Finalist in the VI Rosa Barba European Award for Landscaping
Given by: Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i el Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Can Framis Museum. Finalist in the 2010 LAMP Awards for exterior architectural illumination
Given by: LAMP Lighting


Can Framis Museum. Runner up in the 2009 Bonaplata Award for Restoration
Given by: Assosiation of the Science Museum and Archeological and Industrial Tecnique Museum of Catalonia.
Fundació Vila Casas. Winner of the National Award for Cultural Heritage
Given by: Generalitat de Catalunya
Can Framis Museum. Selected for the Spanish Architectural Award
Given by: Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE)
Can Framis Museum. Finalist, Catalonia Construction Awards
Given by: The Col·legi d'Aparelladors Arquitectes Tècnics and Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona (CAATEEB)
Fundació Vila Casas. Winner of the Culture Award, Sport Cultura Barcelona
Given by: Sport Cultura Barcelona
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Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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