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Els marges de l´abisme, nova exposició a Sant Joan
Wednesday 19 | June | 2024

L'Espai Art l'Abadia de Sant Joan hosts until September 22 the exhibition 'Els marges de l'abisme', an exhibition of the artist Jordi Martoranno organized in collaboration with the Fundació Vila Casas.

Paisatge de postal i humanitzat
Sunday 16 | June | 2024

Carma Casulá presenta ‘Al Natural’ al Museu Can Framis, una exposición para recorrer los Espacios Naturales Protegidos del Estado y su antropización.

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Les inquietuds dels més joves
Sunday 16 | June | 2024

The Fundació Vila Casas welcomes to the Museu Can Framis the Patrim '23: Interstitial Beauty with different proposals of the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts.

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Carma Casulá revela a Can Framis la cara turística dels espais naturals protegits
Tuesday 11 | June | 2024

The Barcelona artist won the Vila Casas photography award with the series 'Al natural'.

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Patricio Reig. Anatomia de la mirada
Tuesday 11 | June | 2024
He is interested in photography not simply as a catalyst for the truth but rather as a gentle conversation that enters into dialogue with it. Reig has developed a poetics from which he creates object-photographs that require an attentive, patient, divided gaze. Watch ...

Carma Casulá expone en Can Framis fotografías de la explotación de la naturaleza protegida
Monday 10 | June | 2024
The multidisciplinary artist Carma Casulá, winner of the Antoni Vila Casas Photography Award 2023, exhibits at the Can Framis Museum the project 'Al Natural', consisting of photographs of the exploitation of protected natural areas in Spain, an exhibition that can be visited from June 11 to July ...

L’antropització del territori amb Carma Casulá i el talent emergent de Patrim
Monday 10 | June | 2024

On June 10 Can Framis opens two exhibitions with Al Natural and the collective Bellesa intersticial.

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Elogi de la mirada
Friday 07 | June | 2024

The Fundació Vila Casas brings the best version of Martoranno to the Espacio la Abadía.

Patrim´23: Bellesa intersticial
Friday 07 | June | 2024
Patrim is a selection of the best works of art made by final-year students at the Facultat de Belles Arts, which has been held annually for more than three decades and leads to the purchase of the works for the Col·lecció Belles Arts at the Universitat de Barcelona. Read ...

Nova exposició a Sant Joan
Thursday 06 | June | 2024

L'Espai Art l'Abadia opens this Saturday the exhibition “The margins of the abyss” by Jordi Martoranno.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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