Fundació Vila Casas
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Leopold Samsó, el fotògraf dels instants eterns
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Fundació Vila Casas presents the exhibition 'So far, so close' at the Palau Solterra in Torroella de Montgrí, with a hundred images of the photographer. Read ...

El Palau Solterra de Torroella s’endinsa en la mirada de Leopold Samsó exposant un centenar de fotografies del seu arxiu
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Solterra Palace delves into the gaze of photographer Leopold Samsó through a hundred snapshots from his archive. The exhibition "So far, so close" includes portraits that Samsó made during the 80s of artists and personalities from the world of art and culture as Salvador Dalí, Jaume Plensa, ...

Tan lejos, tan cerca
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
Photographer Leopold Samsó (Barcelona, 1946) is known for his famous portraits of personalities from the world of art and culture. However, he has also explored other genres, such as cultural and landscape reportage, making him a multifaceted artist.  Read ...

El Palau Solterra de Torroella s´endinsa en la mirada de Leopold Samsó exposant un centenar de fotografies del seu arxiu
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Palau Solterra delves into the gaze of photographer Leopold Samsó through a hundred snapshots from his archive. The exhibition 'So far, so close' includes portraits that Samsó made during the 80s of artists and personalities from the world of art and culture as Salvador Dalí, Jaume Plensa, ...

El Palau Solterra de Torroella s´endinsa en la mirada de Leopold Samsó
Thursday 27 | June | 2024

The exhibition brings together portraits of artists, snapshots of "rogue" Barcelona and their travels.

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El Palau Solterra de Torroella s´endinsa en la mirada de Leopold Samsó exposant un centenar de fotografies del seu arxiu
Thursday 27 | June | 2024

The exhibition brings together portraits of artists, snapshots of "rogue" Barcelona and their travels.

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El Palau Solterra acull l’exposició fotogràfica de Leopold Samsó
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Solterra Palace presents the exhibition 'So far, so close', with more than one hundred photographs by Leopold Samsó. The exhibition includes portraits of artists such as Dalí, Plensa and Orilla, and images of post-Franco Barcelona and travels around the world. The exhibition, curated by Pilar ...

El Palau Solterra de Torroella s´endinsa en la mirada de Leopold Samsó exposant un centenar de fotografies del seu arxiu
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Palau Solterra of Torroella delves into the gaze of Leopold Samsó by exhibiting a hundred photographs from his archive. Read ...

Una reflexió fotogràfica sobre la joventut i el futur
Thursday 27 | June | 2024
The Fundació Vila Casas presents The Forest, an installation created by students of the Master in Photography and Design of Elisava 2023-2024. In this exhibition, nature and art meet to give voice to the aspirations and concerns of today's youth. The exhibition captures an ecosystem of ...

Escápate unas horas a la Costa Daurada. Escoge tu opción y ¡vívela al máximo!
Monday 24 | June | 2024
Once you finish the virtual tour, come to the castle of Vila-seca, whose origins are documented since the twelfth century. You will be fascinated to immerse yourself in a jewel of the past that proudly holds some of the contemporary works of art of the Fundació Vila Casas. Read ...

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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