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Ditame do xurado dos XXXVII Prismas Casa das Ciencias á Divulgación
Tuesday 01 | October | 2024
Gema Revuelta and Vladimir de Semir, founders of the Quiral project, have won the Special Jury Award at the XXVII Prismas Casa das Ciencias á Divulgación in recognition of the Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication of the Universitat Pompeu ...

XXXVII Premios Prismas de A Coruña: Divulgación científica sobre el cáncer o las neuronas
Tuesday 01 | October | 2024

The award ceremony will be held on November 16 in the Plenary Hall of the Palacio Municipal de María Pita.

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Swab Barcelona pone el foco en la escena artística emergente de Asia Oriental
Tuesday 01 | October | 2024

It shows the latest trends in international contemporary art with a selection of 70 galleries.

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Francesc Domingo. De Sant Just a Sâo Paulo
Tuesday 01 | October | 2024
Fifty years after his death, the Fundació Vila Casas recovers the figure of Francesc Domingo i Segura with an exhibition that brings together works from all his artistic periods. Read ...

Oberta una nova convocatòria de la beca Artista en residència al PRBB
Tuesday 01 | October | 2024
The Department of Medicine and Life Sciences of the UPF (MELIS) and the Vila Casas Foundation are calling for applications for an artistic research grant in the amount of €5,000 for creators interested in the field of biomedical sciences. Applications can be submitted until October 16. Read ...

Tapetes por Picasso y por la libertad
Thursday 26 | September | 2024

Homenaje a Picasso sobre el tapete de unas monjas en Cultural Cordón Burgos
Thursday 26 | September | 2024
The exhibition hall of Cultural Cordón hosts from today until January 12 the exhibition Objetivo Picasso. Vallauris 1972-Burgos 2024. Read ...

La Fundación Caja de Burgos acoge la exposición Objetivo Picasso. Vallauris 1972-Burgos 2024
Thursday 26 | September | 2024
The exhibition hall of Cultural Cordón hosts from today until January 12 the exhibition Objetivo Picasso. Vallauris 1972-Burgos 2024, which brings together more than 280 works by almost as many national and international creators conceived as a response to the attacks that took place in Spain ...

Fundación Caja de Burgos acoge en Cultural Cordón la exposición ´Objetivo Picasso. Vallauris 1972- Burgos 2024´
Thursday 26 | September | 2024
The exhibition hall of Cultural Cordón hosts from today until January 12 the exhibition Objetivo Picasso. Vallauris 1972-Burgos 2024.  Read ...

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