Fundació Vila Casas
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Mayte Vieta. Naturaleza, espacio y silencio
Wednesday 10 | August | 2022
Mayte Vieta shows us her new exhibition Cosmos. Mirar en la foscor entre les estrelles (Cosmos. Looking at the darkness between stars), which can be seen at Castell de Vila-seca. The exhibition occupies different rooms that combines installation, esculpture and photography. Most part of the art ...

Antoni Vila Casas receives the Gold Medal of the Catalan Government
Thursday 28 | July | 2022
The government has approved the awarding of the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the illustrator Roser Capdevila and the pharmaceutical entrepreneur and cultural patron Antoni Vila Casas, who created a network of museum spaces in various parts of Catalonia, including Palafrugell and ...

Antoni Vila Casas rep la Medalla d´Or de la Generalitat
Tuesday 26 | July | 2022
The Government, at the proposal of President Pere Aragonès, has approved this morning at the meeting of the Executive Council to award the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya to the pharmaceutical entrepreneur and cultural patron Antoni Vila Casas, who manages the cultural facility Can ...

La il·lustradora Roser Capdevila i l’empresari i mecenes Antoni Vila Casas rebran la Medalla d’Or de la Generalitat
Tuesday 26 | July | 2022
The illustrator Roser Capdevila and the pharmaceutical businessman and cultural patron Antoni Vila Casas will receive the Medalla d'Or of the ...

La il·lustradora Roser Capdevila i l’empresari i mecenes Antoni Vila Casas rebran la Medalla d’Or de la Generalitat
Tuesday 26 | July | 2022
The illustrator Roser Capdevila and the pharmaceutical entrepreneur and cultural patron Antoni Vila Casas will receive the Medalla d'Or of the ...

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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