L’idil·li amb l’Empordà perdura a Can Mario Sunday 21 | May | 2023
At Mar de fons, at the headquarters of the Fundació Vila Casas Can Mario in Palafrugell, we can see the work of fifty creators established by birth or choice in the Empordà.
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Els homenots i homenets de Català-Roca Friday 19 | May | 2023
Until November 19, the Palau Solterra (Torroella de Montgrí) hosts an exhibition dedicated to one of the most unknown facets of Francesc Català-Roca (Valls 1922 - Barcelona, 1998): that of portraitist.
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Todos los efectos de la ´mala pintura´ Saturday 13 | May | 2023
The exhibition 'Bad Painting?', at the Vila Casas Foundation, gives rise to Fernández Porta's question about which canons are shaken by a 'badly composed' work.
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Agustí Puig. L’energia del gest expressionista Monday 08 | May | 2023
Agustí Puig has exhibited several times at the Fundació Vila Casas. Now, in the Castell de Vila-seca an important number of works are exhibited, including paintings, engravings and sculptures under the title "La poètica del gest".
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El Premi de Fotografia 2023 de la Fundació Vila Casas ja té guanyadors: aquestes són les obres Friday 05 | May | 2023
The Photography Award 2023 of the Fundació Vila Casas already has winners. The first prize went to Carma Casulá (Barcelona, 1966) with Al Natural_Jungfraujoch, a photograph from the series Al Natural (2019) of the galleries built under one of the oldest glaciers in Europe, in the Swiss ...
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