Fundació Vila Casas
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El castillo de Vila-seca inaugura una retrospectiva de Salvador Juanpere
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024
The artist Salvador Juanpere will exhibit at the castle of Vila-seca (Tarragona) until February 23, 2025 'D'artistes, eines i territori...', a retrospective that is intended as a tribute to the most intimate and personal side of the artist, thanks to the collaboration agreement between the City ...

El Castell de Vila-seca acull l´exposició “D´artistes, eines i territori…” de Salvador Juanpere
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024

The exhibition of the artist from Vilaplana can be enjoyed until February 25, 2025.

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El Castell de Vila-seca acull l’exposició de Salvador Juanpere
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024
The artist from Vilaplana presents an exhibition that is presented as a tribute to the most latent and invisible aspect of sculpture from an intimate and honest pouring. Read ...

Exposició ´D´artistes, eines i territori…´
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024
Exhibition 'D'artistes, eines i territori...' by Salvador Juanpere (Vilaplana, 1953), who presents an exhibition that is presented as a tribute to the most latent and invisible aspect of sculpture from an intimate, personal and honest side that aims to illuminate the artistic practice of a sculptor ...

La Biennal Xavier Miserachs recordarà el llegat de Colita
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024

The photographic festival also recovers "La meva Mediterrània" by Toni Catany and some family images of the summer of the 40's in Llafranc.

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Una guía de las mejores exposiciones del Poblenou
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024

Now that the weather is getting hotter, we give you the definitive guide to exhibitions in galleries, museums and art centers in the Creative District.

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L´escultor Salvador Juanpere exposa en un Castell de Vila-seca que aposta pel territori
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024
The City Council of Vila-seca, together with the Vila Casas Foundation, have opted for a new artist of the territory after the great reception of the previous ones, which accumulated 36,000 visitors. Read ...

Salvador Juanpere exposa la seva vida en escultura al Castell de Vila-seca
Wednesday 03 | July | 2024

Some thirty works by the artist vilaplanenc can be visited until February 2025.

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El Castell de Vila-seca acull l’exposició de Salvador Juanpere
Tuesday 02 | July | 2024
Today the Castell de Vila-seca hosted the press conference to present the exhibition "Of artists, tools and territory..." by the artist Salvador Juanpere (Vilaplana, 1953). Read ...

Leopold Samsó, el fotògraf dels instants eterns
Monday 01 | July | 2024

The Fundació Vila Casas presents the exhibition "So far, so close".

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Espai Volart Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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