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La recreació de l’obra de Proust del pintor barceloní Lluís Marsans
Wednesday 26 | October | 2022
The Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas, presented this Thursday the exhibition "From Proust to Marsans, in search of lost time" that can be seen until January 15, 2023. Coinciding with the centenary of the death of the writer Marcel Proust, the exhibition focuses on the great work of the ...

Oscar Tusquets. Cossos, ciutats, interiors.
Sunday 23 | October | 2022
News highlighting the exhibition of Oscar Tusquets, Cossos, ciutats, interiors, in Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas in Barcelona (minute 46:33). See ...

Marsans, el mundo literario de Proust y Tusquets, protagonistas de Espais Volart
Saturday 22 | October | 2022
The literary universe of Marcel Proust lands in Barcelona through Espais Volart, of the Fundació Vila Casas. The entity presented on Thursday the exhibition From Proust to Marsans, in search of lost time, which aims to delve into the world of the author through the works of the Catalan painter ...

L´expo que et farà xalar amb ´La Recherche´ encara que no hagis llegit Proust
Friday 21 | October | 2022
The Fundació Vila Casas puts in dialogue the literary world of Marcel Proust with the plastic universe of the Catalan painter Luis Marsans, in Espais Volart in Barcelona. See ...

Proust masterpiece back to life in Barcelona
Friday 21 | October | 2022
Proust masterpiece comes back to life in Barcelona in a new exhibition at Espais Volart inspired by "In Search of Lost Time" novel. Paintings by Catalan artist Luis Marsans show the world created in Proust's story. See ...

Oscar Tusquets pinta la bellesa, el desig, l´amor i la mort
Thursday 20 | October | 2022

The Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas hosts a large anthology of the catalan architect with 200 works.

See article.


L’arquitecte Oscar Tusquets pinta els seus «amors» als Espais Volart
Thursday 20 | October | 2022
The artist's pictorial vocation runs through "Cossos, ciutats, interiors", an exhibition that opens in parallel with "De Proust a Marsans, a la recerca del temps perdut", about the French writer and his main plastic interpreter.   See ...

Eugènia Balcells: “Hi ha moments que has de ser una lleona i en uns altres convé ser una vaca”
Thursday 20 | October | 2022

Interview with the artist Eugènia Balcells, who has just inaugurated the exhibition "Ella, una i altra vegada" at the Fundació Vila Casas - Can Framis.


See article.

Oscar Tusquets: «Mai m’ha emocionat cap artista abstracte»
Thursday 20 | October | 2022

An exhibition at Espais Volart discovers the pictorial work of the architect and designer.


See article.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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