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Oscar Tusquets, retrato de artista
Thursday 01 | December | 2022

Interview with Oscar Tusquets on the occasion of his autobiographical exhibition Cossos, ciutats, interiors at the Fundació Vila Casas in Barcelona.

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Oscar Tusquets. Un creador polièdric
Tuesday 29 | November | 2022
Article that reviews the figure of Oscar Tusquets and his exhibition Cossos, ciutats, interiors, which can be visited at Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas in Barcelona until January 15, 2023. Read ...

Propostes culturals per treballar la violència masclista a l’aula
Thursday 24 | November | 2022
November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of violence against Women, a day to continue denouncing male violence in all its forms, areas and expressions. A topic that has to be worked on in the classroom through awareness-raising activities that invite reflection. In this sense, the ...

La Fundació Vila Casas prorroga de les exposicions de Subirachs i Jordi Esteva a Palafrugell i Torroella de Montgrí
Tuesday 22 | November | 2022
Due to its good reception, the Fundació Vila Casas extends the exhibitions "Subirachs. De l'expressionisme a l'abstracció (1953-1965)" at the Museu Can Mario in Palafrugell and "L'impuls nòmada" by Jordi Esteva at the Palau Solterra in Torroella de Montgrí. Read ...

Més de 3.000 persones visiten l’exposició Cosmos, de Mayte Vieta, al Castell de Vila-seca
Monday 21 | November | 2022
The exhibition Cosmos. Mirar a la foscor entre les estrelles by Mayte Vieta, which could be seen from July 8 to November 13, has been seen by 3.015 visitors. Read ...

Proust: molt més que una magdalena
Friday 18 | November | 2022
Barcelona is, after Paris, the city where the centenary of the death of the author of the monumental "In Search of Lost Time" is most celebrated. Read ...

L´art de la Fundació Vila Casas continuarà a Vila-seca quatre anys més
Thursday 17 | November | 2022
The Castell de Vila-seca will continue to host exhibitions of the Fundació Vila Casas. The City Council and the institution specialized in the promotion of Catalan contemporary art have renewed the 2018 collaboration agreement and extended it until December 2026. Read ...

Eugènia Balcells. La dona com a protagonista a través de la llum i el color
Monday 14 | November | 2022

Eugènia Balcells presents Ella, una i altra vegada at the Museu Can Framis of the Fundació Vila Casas in Barcelona. 

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De Proust a Marsans, a la recerca del temps perdut
Monday 14 | November | 2022
Marta Ballesta presents us the exhibition De Proust a Marsans. A la recerca del Temps Perdut, which can be visited at Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona, until January 15, 2023. Read ...

Luis Marsans, el artista que mejor ilustró a Marcel Proust
Sunday 13 | November | 2022
The Vila Casas Foundation shows the works that the Barcelona painter dedicated to the Proustian universe on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the French writer. Read ...

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