Fundació Vila Casas
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Santi Moix, un raro entre fuegos de flores
Saturday 18 | February | 2023

The artist stars in an exhibition at the Fundació Vila Casas that is a closing and a beginning to start a process of reflection.

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Who decides that a painting is good or bad? Why we shouldn´t take the canon (or its popes) so seriously.
Tuesday 14 | February | 2023

Who decides what is good, what is bad, or what is the 'normal'? The question of criteria is the great theme of this singular exhibition or counter-exhibition, which questions the canon and says that, in the art world, the kings of criticism are also naked.

Jo Milne: ´I´ve always been interested in what you can´t see´.
Monday 13 | February | 2023
Jo Milne is an artist and does research in the field of biomedical sciences. She is inspired by microscopic images, codes, flow cytometry or scientific graphics that she finds in contact with the research being done in places such as the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park and the Institute of the ...

What is bad painting?
Saturday 11 | February | 2023
The Can Framis Museum presents Bad Painting? a proposal that invites us to question the meaning of what we call "bad taste" and its aesthetic form, kitsch. Co-curated by Carlos Pazos and Eloy Fernández ...

The pleasure is mine and everyone´s
Saturday 11 | February | 2023

The Vila Casas Foundation in Barcelona has inaugurated Bad Painting?, an exhibition by the artist Carlos Pazos with the collaboration of the essayist Eloy Fernández Porta that can be seen until June 4 at Can Framis.

Catalonia puts down roots at ARCO with 15 galleries and several museums
Saturday 11 | February | 2023

Up to 15 galleries, professionals, artists and Catalan cultural spaces such as the Miró Foundation, for the first time, will participate in the edition of ARCOmadrid, the International Contemporary Art Fair to be held from February 22 to 26.

Què és la mala pintura?
Saturday 11 | February | 2023

The Can Framis Museum presents Bad Painting; a proposal that invites us to question the meaning of what we call "bad taste" and its aesthetic form, kitsch.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Espai Volart Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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