Fundació Vila Casas
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Santi Moix: “M’interessa que la gent faci seva l’obra, no vull ser-ne el propietari”
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023

The Fundació Vila Casas presents the first major anthology of the Barcelona artist.

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El gabinete de atrocidades de Carlos Pazos
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023
Pazos presents, in a venue of the Vila Casas Foundation called Can Framis, a curious exhibition that defines his particular vision of art. Read ...

Santi Moix, el bitxo burgès
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023

Review of "La costa de los mosquitos", a retrospective exhibition that Vila Casas dedicates to Santi Moix.

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La costa dels mosquits de Santi Moix
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023
Report of TN Vespre of TV3 dedicated to the exhibition La costa dels mosquits, a retrospective dedicated to Santi Moix that can be seen in the Espais Volart of the Fundació Vila Casas until July 16 (minute 41:56 and 48:28). Read ...

Santi Moix: sigues rar, continua sent rar
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023

The flower painter exhibits at the Fundació Vila Casas works made in the last twenty years.

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El colorista universo de Santi Moix se adueña de los Espais Volart
Monday 20 | February | 2023
The anthological exhibition 'La costa dels mosquits' brings together some 80 works by the multifaceted artist from Barcelona. Read ...

Espais Volart presenta la primera antològica dedicada a Santi Moix
Monday 20 | February | 2023
Espai Volart has presented the first anthological exhibition dedicated to the work of the painter Santi Moix (Barcelona, 1960) La costa dels mosquits (1998-2022), which will be on view from February 21 to July 16. Read ...

El colorista y vital universo de Santi Moix se adueña de los Espais Volart
Monday 20 | February | 2023
Paintings, watercolors, ceramics, sculptures and ephemeral interventions on the walls are part of the colorful and vital universe of Santi Moix, which from this Monday can be known in the Espais Volart in his first anthological exhibition, La costa dels mosquits, with eighty works. Read ...

Què és la mala pintura?
Sunday 19 | February | 2023

The Museu Can Framis presents Bad Painting?; a proposal that invites us to question the meaning of what we call 'bad taste' and its aesthetic form, kitsch.

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Santi Moix, pintor: “No m’he quedat amb la idea que soc un nen abandonat; ho encaro i hi parlo”
Sunday 19 | February | 2023
The internationally successful Catalan painter who has been living in New York for almost 30 years is now the subject of a retrospective in Barcelona. Interview with the artist in the program Via Lliure of RAC1. Read ...

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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