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Els 33 finalistes del Premi de Fotografia 2023 de la Fundació Vila Casas
Wednesday 08 | March | 2023
The jury of the Photography Award 2023 of the Fundació Vila Casas -formed by Natàlia Chocarro, Sophie Köhler, Antonio Sagnier, Àlex Susanna, Laura Terré and Antoni Vila Casas- has selected 33 finalist works among all the proposals that have been presented in this edition. Read ...

Isidre Manils. Imatges i conceptes fragmentats
Tuesday 07 | March | 2023

The Fundació Vila Casas exhibits in Madrid No una imatge justa, sinó justament una imatge by Isidre Manils, curated by Natàlia Chocarro.

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La mirada cinematogràfica d´Isidre Manils
Tuesday 07 | March | 2023
With No una imatge justa, sinó justament una imatge -a title that alludes to a famous phrase by Jean-Luc Godard-, the Centro Cultural-Librería Blanquerna of Madrid and the Fundació Vila Casas intend to vindicate the work of Isidre Manils (Mollet, Barcelona, 1948). Read ...

Entre l´abstracció i la representació: l´art de Santi Moix arriba a la Fundació Vila Casas
Tuesday 28 | February | 2023

Until July 16, in the Espais Volart exhibit "La costa de los mosquitos", an exhibition on the work of Santi Moix.

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Carlos Pazos i Eloy Fernández Porta porten el bon gust a judici
Sunday 26 | February | 2023
The artist and the author present an exhibition with about seventy works from the MNAC at the Museu Can Framis of the Fundació Vila Casas. Read ...

Isidre Manils: ´Si als 70 hagués pogut fer una pel·lícula amb un mòbil, potser no hauria tornat a la pintura´
Saturday 25 | February | 2023

The Fundació Vila Casas extends the radius of action in Madrid with an exhibition of the artist.

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Santi Moix: espais de transició
Friday 24 | February | 2023
"La costa dels mosquits" is the first retrospective dedicated to Santi Moix (Barcelona, 1960). Curated by Enrique Juncosa, the Espais Volart brings together works made between 1998 and 2022, and includes some eighty works, including paintings, watercolors, ceramics, sculptures, drawings, prints and ...

Espais Volart acoge una antología de Santi Moix
Thursday 23 | February | 2023
"La costa dels mosquits" brings together 80 works that the Catalan artist, a resident of New York since 1986, has produced over the past 25 years. The exhibition can be visited until July 16 and combines paintings, watercolors, ceramics, sculptures and ephemeral illustrations on the walls. Read ...

Entrevista al pintor i escultor Santi Moix
Wednesday 22 | February | 2023

Interview with Santi Moix (Barcelona, 1960), in the program Plaça Tísner of Betevé (minute 4:50).

See interview.

“Sigues rar!”
Tuesday 21 | February | 2023
The Espais Volart will present an anthological exhibition of 25 years of Santi Moix's career, a successful artist in the United States, where he has lived since the mid-eighties. Read ...

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