Fundació Vila Casas
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Fina Miralles, abandonaments i retrobament
Sunday 10 | December | 2023
The Vila Casas Foundation exhibits the work of this Catalan artist who simplifies forms to magnify the strength of the spiritual experience of art. Read ...

Maria Girona, l’art és el color
Saturday 09 | December | 2023
The Vila Casas Foundation exhibits in Espacios Volart works by the Catalan painter, a production that stands out for its simplicity and the harmony of its elements. Read ...

La resurrecció dels vius
Friday 08 | December | 2023

Fina Miralles takes stock from her refuge in Cadaqués with an intimate, almost secret exhibition, where paper and drawing are forcefully vindicated.

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Una setantena d´imatges del fotògraf especialitzat en moda Frank Horvat s´exposen al Castell de Vila-seca
Thursday 07 | December | 2023
The exhibition reviews some of the most outstanding snapshots of one of the most relevant photographers of the second half of the twentieth century. Read ...

La fotografia revolucionària en la moda de Horvat s´exposa al Castell de Vila-seca
Thursday 07 | December | 2023

About seventy images of fashion photographer Frank Horvat are exhibited at the Castell de Vila-seca.

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Història del Restaurant i Cercle Comtal de Barcelona
Tuesday 05 | December | 2023

The Círculo Condal (1990-1994) was a private club for artists and creative companies in Barcelona.

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Homenaje a Picasso. Vallauris, 1972
Monday 04 | December | 2023
The Museu Lázaro Galdiano exhibits from November 29th to March 3rd, by the Fundació Antoni Vila Cases of Barcelona, the exhibition that commemorates the 1st International Meeting of Homage to Picasso and that gathers 51 of the 400 tapestries intervened by more than 270 national and international ...

L´ARA reivindica el periodisme independent en el seu 13è aniversari
Friday 01 | December | 2023

La comunidad del diario se reúne en el Palau de la Música.

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Homenatge a Antoni Vila Casas a la Nit de l’ARA
Friday 01 | December | 2023

Night of ARA 2023.

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Quatre premis per la transformació de la societat
Friday 01 | December | 2023

In this edition, the Carles Capdevila award has been given 'ex aequo' to two entities: El Paraguas de Olot and the Aspasim Foundation of Barcelona, entities that work for the rights of people with mental health problems and disabilities.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Espai Volart Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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