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Vila Casas, pensar pel país fins al final
Saturday 16 | September | 2023
The pharmaceutical industrialist and patron of the arts, founder of four museums devoted exclusively to Catalan art and artists, has died at the age of 92. Read ...

Vila Casas, una cronologia cultural d´amor a l´art
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

On the occasion of the death of Antoni Vila Casas, we reproduce this article which is the prologue of the act to make him an adopted son of Palafrugell.

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Muere Antoni Vila Casas, el último gran mecenas del arte catalán
Saturday 16 | September | 2023
The pharmaceutical businessman and collector, Catalan and bullfighting enthusiast, earned the title by dint of hard work and enthusiasm. Read ...

Antoni Vila Casas: «El dia que em mori, que no ho diguin a ningú»
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

"At the age of 40 I thought I could die, but I fell in love again."

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El pla mestre del mecenes Antoni Vila Casas
Saturday 16 | September | 2023
"Frisach! Don't write that I am a patron!", Antoni Vila Casas had told me more than once, since he thought the word was obsolete and that it alluded to a gentleman with a Renaissance tunic and hat. Read ...

El mecenatge català es queda sense una figura cabdal
Saturday 16 | September | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas was one of the great promoters of Catalan contemporary art, with museums and galleries in Palafrugell, Torroella de Montgrí and Barcelona. Watch ...

Mor als 92 anys l´empresari farmacèutic i mecenes Antoni Vila Casas
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

The collector collected the art he acquired through a foundation and four museums.

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Mor als 92 anys el farmacèutic Antoni Vila Casas, un dels grans mecenes de l´art català
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

He promoted contemporary art through several art centers, such as the foundation that bears his name.

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Antoni Vila Casas: molt mecenes, molt eclèctic
Saturday 16 | September | 2023
For Vila Casas, supporting Catalan art was not a fashion, it was a passion. He knew what he wanted to do with his money: a great sample of 20th century Catalan art. Read ...

La vivència espiritual de Fina Miralles i una retrospectiva sobre Maria Girona arriben a l’Espais Volart
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

The exhibition of the artist from Sabadell is interested in the change of creative procedure that the author starred in 1984.

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