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En record de l´Antoni Vila Casas
Monday 18 | September | 2023

And Toni has gone and left me a void. And the void is not only for me, but for a whole country.

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En record de l´Antoni Vila Casas
Monday 18 | September | 2023
I'm from a time when friends called each other by our last name, but in the case of Vila Casas it is different. He was always Toni for me, and I was Jordi for him. Read ...

Dedéu: ´Qualsevol adjectiu es queda curt a l´hora d´avaluar un gegant com Antoni Vila Casas´
Monday 18 | September | 2023
Bernat Dedéu dedicates his commentary to the pharmaceutical entrepreneur, collector and patron of the arts Antoni Vila Casas, who has died at the age of 92. Listen ...

Antoni Vila Casas: ´suaviter in modo, fortiter in re´
Sunday 17 | September | 2023
Our country exists and is capable of contributing its own vision to the world because internationally renowned artists with a vigorous creative talent emerge, but also because exceptional personalities such as Antoni Vila Casas, promoter of the foundation that bears his surname, are born among ...

Calen molts més Vila Casas
Sunday 17 | September | 2023
In his ideology as an art collector there was a founding principle that gave coherence to his trajectory as an art buyer: "My collection will be of Catalan and living artists". Read ...

Vila Casas, el último gran mecenas catalán
Sunday 17 | September | 2023

The pharmaceutical entrepreneur leaves behind a great cultural legacy.

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Palafrugell decreta tres dies de dol per la mort d´Antoni Vila Casas
Sunday 17 | September | 2023

Juli Fernández regrets the loss of a "key figure" for the country's culture.

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D´una experiència immersiva per l´antic Egipte a Picasso: les exposicions imprescindibles de la temporada
Sunday 17 | September | 2023
Let's make a compilation of the most outstanding artistic proposals that you can find in the coming months in museums and galleries of Barcelona. Read ...

Mor Antoni Vila Casas, el farmacèutic amb cor de mecenes
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

The businessman, who died at the age of 92, leaves a great artistic legacy.

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Antoni Vila Casas, ´un home compromès amb la cultura, el coneixement i el país´
Saturday 16 | September | 2023

The cultural and institutional world remembers the legacy of the patron and businessman.

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