Fundació Vila Casas
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Vila-seca presenta la programació cultural amb més de 50 propostes per a tots els públics
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023
The City Council of Vila-seca this morning presented the new cultural program autumn-winter 2023-2024 of Vila-seca. A program that, under the brand "Culture Vila-seca", brings together some fifty very diverse proposals for all audiences and that are part of the calendar of the three cultural ...

En la mort del senyor Vila Casas
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023

Farewell Mr. Vila Casas

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Un passat present com a tatuatge
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023

Our commitment, dear Toni, was not to success but to the need to open paths to culture, to help artists to build their place in the art world.

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Sr. Vila Casas, seguim?
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023
Mr. Vila Casas was a person who was constantly looking for new projects, small illusions that he always explained to you with passion, in such a way that you were captivated and involved from the very first moment. Read ...

Antoni Vila Casas
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas has left us an artistic legacy that he has been sharing with all of us for many years through exhibitions in museums created and supported by him and dedicated to contemporary photography, painting and sculpture. Read ...

Fes-te humana! Escalfor, tendresa, sentiment!
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023

Recently opened "From Beyond Time", the exhibition that the Vila Casas Foundation dedicates to the last stage of the work of Fina Miralles.

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Antoni Vila Casas, un senyor de Barcelona
Tuesday 19 | September | 2023

The most important collector of Catalan art has died at the age of 92. With his collections and museums, he filled the resounding void left by the MNAC and the MACBA.

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“Tinc un projecte entre mans...”
Monday 18 | September | 2023

The art advisor to the president of the Fundació Vila Casas Natàlia Chocarro recalls a quarter of a century of close complicity with the great patron Antoni Vila Casas, who died last Thursday at the age of 92.

Antoni Vila Casas (1930-2023)
Monday 18 | September | 2023

Known for his role as an entrepreneur in the pharmaceutical sector, he was a role model and not only as an employer.

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Fina Miralles apel·la a viure
Monday 18 | September | 2023

The artist from Sabadell exhibits her most emotional and symbolic world at the Vila Casas Foundation.

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