Fundació Vila Casas
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Vila Casas, construint el demà
Thursday 21 | September | 2023
Guided by illusion and with the will to be useful, he wanted to give everything he had to, to the extent of his possibilities, cover some of our shortcomings and give us confidence as a country. Read ...

´Mai no agrairem prou el llegat artístic que ens ha deixat Antoni Vila Casas´
Thursday 21 | September | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas has left us an artistic legacy that he has been sharing with all of us for many years through exhibitions in museums created and supported by him and dedicated to contemporary photography, painting and sculpture. Read ...

Gracias, Toni
Thursday 21 | September | 2023

The businessman, collector and patron of the arts Antoni Vila Casas, who passed away last Thursday at the age of 92, was bid farewell yesterday as he wanted, with the interpretation of the 'Virolai' ending a religious ceremony.

L´últim mecenes
Thursday 21 | September | 2023

In tribute to the businessman and patron Antoni Vila i Casas, who passed away last Thursday, September 14, we share the interview that Josep M. Muñoz gave him in April 2021 to 'El Adelanto'.

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Swab presenta SOLO by Vila Casas 2023
Thursday 21 | September | 2023
SOLO by Fundació Vila Casas is a program curated by independent curators Carla Gimeno Jaria and Margot Cuevas, in collaboration with the Fundación Vila Casas. Read ...

El llegat d’Antoni Vila Casas
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023
Antoni Vila Casas has left us an artistic legacy that for many years he has shared with all of us through exhibitions in museums created and supported by him and dedicated to contemporary photography, painting and sculpture. Read ...

Vila Casas, un referent
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023
In addition to the great work in the Catalan art world of Antoni Vila Casas, who has recently left us, we must highlight his enormous contribution to the pharmaceutical industry, through Prodesfarma. Read ...

Antoni Vila Casas: avidesa de futur
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023

The art director of the Fundación Vila Casas highlights the figure of the great cultural philanthropist.

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Pere Aragonès y Natàlia Garriga asisten al acto de despedida del mecenas Antoni Vila Casas
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023
The Catalan society, led by the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has given his last farewell to the businessman and patron Antoni Vila Casas, who died last Thursday, in a ceremony that took place this afternoon in the parish of Sant Gregori Taumaturg in the Catalan capital. Read ...

Vila-seca presenta la seva programació cultural de tardor-hivern
Wednesday 20 | September | 2023

El Celler, l'Auditori and el Castell will have a program with concerts, plays, films, lectures and family shows.

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