Fundació Vila Casas
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Swab 2023 demuestra que los cuarenta son los nuevos treinta
Saturday 07 | October | 2023
The contemporary art fair in Barcelona, of a private nature, changes its location and consolidates itself as a solid place to enjoy good emerging art... over 40 years old. Read ...

Programa d’adquisicions
Saturday 07 | October | 2023
Since 2017, Barcelona Gallery Weekend has included an ACQUISITIONS PROGRAM aimed at foundations and private companies that are committed to incorporating openings from the galleries participating in the event into their collections. Read ...

Tots els dies són meus
Saturday 07 | October | 2023

To enter the Palau Solterra hall is to enter a world of images where the uncertainty produced by not knowing the location of what you are seeing places you in a different way before the work.

El ‘Gràcies a la vida’ de Fina Miralles
Saturday 07 | October | 2023

The Vila Casas Foundation exhibits the paintings and works on paper of an artist who concludes a career marked by independence.

La Fundació Privada Vila Casas pasa a denominarse Fundació Privada Antoni Vila Casas
Thursday 05 | October | 2023
The Board of Trustees of the Fundació Privada Vila Casas, at the proposal of its new president, Antonio Sagnier, has unanimously agreed to change the name of the entity in homage and recognition of its founder, so that from now on it will be called Fundació Privada Antoni Vila Casas. Read ...

La Fundació Vila Casas incorporarà el nom del president fundador
Thursday 05 | October | 2023
The Board of Trustees of the Fundación Privada Vila Casas has unanimously agreed to modify the name of the entity in homage and recognition of the figure and work of the founding president, adding his name as a distinctive sign. Read ...

La 16a edición de Swab Barcelona muestra las últimas tendencias del arte contemporáneo internacional
Wednesday 04 | October | 2023
The International Contemporary Art Fair of Barcelona, which celebrates its 16th edition from Thursday, October 5 to Sunday, October 8, will feature the participation of 70 galleries, 27 national and 43 from 21 countries around the world, and the participation of more than 200 artists. Read ...

Antoni Vila Casas: el filantrop
Monday 02 | October | 2023
"Vila Casas is the son and grandson of the industrial revolution, but through his academic and cultural background he combines business leadership with cultural and scientific patronage." Read ...

Swab Barcelona 2023
Monday 02 | October | 2023

Stay tuned, art lovers, because the 16th edition of Swab, the International Contemporary Art Fair of Barcelona, returns from October 5 to 8 with new proposals, new location, but the same essence.

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7 razones para no perderse la feria de arte Swab Barcelona
Monday 02 | October | 2023

The 16th edition of Swab Barcelona has a new location and gains in square meters and number of participants.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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