Fundació Vila Casas
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Noviembre en el Museo Lázaro Galdiano
Wednesday 01 | November | 2023
Pablo Picasso's 90th birthday in 1971 highlighted his antagonistic reception and the beginning of a campaign of attacks on his name, including attacks on galleries and bookstores.  Read ...

‘Please don’t smile’ de Frank Horvat
Tuesday 31 | October | 2023
Coinciding with the photographer's 90th birthday, Antoni Vila Casas, president of the Foundation and a great admirer of Frank Horvat, wanted to pay tribute to him and, together, they conceived the present exhibition that was held at the Palau Solterra Photography Museum in 2018. Read ...

La Fundació Vila Casas activa un nou canal de difusió a través de WhatsApp
Monday 30 | October | 2023
This Thursday, October 26, the Fundación Vila Casas has launched a new WhatsApp channel with the aim of keeping users informed of the most relevant news: openings, activities and news related to the Foundation's museums. Read ...

Un projecte europeu apropa l´art a les persones amb discapacitat en contextos inclusius
Friday 27 | October | 2023
The MNAC has hosted this Friday the presentation of the results of the INARTdis project, a European project to bring art to people with disabilities in inclusive contexts. Read ...

Maria Girona i el regne de les coses
Monday 16 | October | 2023

The Vila Casas Foundation dedicates a great exhibition to the Barcelona artist.

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Maria Girona, otra pintora de culto
Friday 13 | October | 2023

Delightful retrospective dedicated to the brilliant Maria Girona (1923- 2015), whose centenary has gone unnoticed.

Fina Miralles: ´Ja no podia més amb el personatge, vaig dir prou!´
Sunday 08 | October | 2023

The Vila Casas Foundation shows the intuitive work of the artist and dedicates another exhibition to Maria Girona.

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El ‘Gracias a la vida’ de Fina Miralles
Sunday 08 | October | 2023

The Fundació Vila Casas exhibits the paintings and works on paper of an artist who concludes a career marked by independence.

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Fina Miralles, des de més enllà del temps
Sunday 08 | October | 2023
Until January 14, 2024 the Vila Casas Foundation presents at Espais Volart a retrospective exhibition of the artist from Sabadell with more than 300 pieces that had never been shown together. Read ...

Quan la paraula esdevé fulla
Sunday 08 | October | 2023

Fina Miralles. Beyond time brings together the most intimate and spiritual side of one of the pioneers of conceptual art.


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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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