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El Castell de Vila-seca acollirà l’exposició “Please don’t smile” del fotògraf Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The City Council of Vila-seca in collaboration with the Antoni Vila Casas Foundation has presented the exhibition "Please don't smile", by photographer Frank Horvat.

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Vila-seca i la moda uneixen lligams per presentar l’exposició del fotògraf Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023
It will consist of a compilation of about 70 fashion photographs of the Italian-French company taken from 1946 to 1989. Read ...

´Please, don´t smile´, la nova exposició del Castell de Vila-seca
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The Castell de Vila-seca has hosted the press conference to present the exhibition "Please don't smile", by photographer Frank Horvat.

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Les millors fotogràfies de moda, a Vila-seca
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

El Castell hosts until the exhibition Please don't smile, by Frank Horvat.

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L´obra del fotògraf Frank Horvat, al Castell de Vila-seca
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The exhibition can be visited until May 19, 2024.

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Fundació Antoni Vila Casas Castell de Vila-seca acull una retrospectiva de Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023
With the exhibition Please don't smile, the Fundació Antoni Vila Casas presents at the Castell de Vila-seca a retrospective of one of the most iconic photographers of the second half of the twentieth century, the Italian-French Frank Horvat (Abbazia (Italy), now Opatija (Croatia), 1928 - ...

Noves ‘Organitzacions compromeses’ amb Sant Joan de Déu
Thursday 09 | November | 2023
Many companies, organizations and institutions are socially committed to helping the most vulnerable groups through solidarity, and are thus committed to building a fairer and more hospitable society. Read ...

Des d’Alemanya, amb amor per l’art d’avantguarda català
Wednesday 08 | November | 2023

Can Framis shows the relationship between the painters Joan Claret and Joan Vilacasas and the collectors Brigitte and Hans Robert Thomas.

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La moda segons el fotògraf Frank Horvat
Wednesday 08 | November | 2023
The Castell de Vila-seca hosts, from Wednesday, the retrospective 'Please don't smile', the work of one of the most iconic photographers of the second half of the twentieth century. Read ...

El Castell de Vila-seca acull una exposició del fotògraf Frank Horvat
Wednesday 08 | November | 2023
The exhibition, which can be visited until May 19, 2024, presents about seventy photos taken between 1946 and 1989 by one of the icons of contemporary photography. Read ...

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