Fundació Vila Casas
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Escolta el nou pòdcast INCLASSIFICABLES amb Stella Rahola Matutes
Monday 13 | November | 2023

We talked with the unclassifiable Stella Rahola Matutes, creator of environments and situational encounters in space.

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Festival Loop: 10 exposicions i activitats recomanades
Monday 13 | November | 2023

Juana Dolores Romero will interact with ChatGPT in an edition marked by the social charge of the works.

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Claret i Vilacasas: història d’una amistat abstracta
Sunday 12 | November | 2023
The Vila Casas Foundation presents an exhibition on the work of Joan Claret and Joan Vilacasas based on the donation of the German collectors Brigitte and Hans Robert Thomas. Read ...

“Please don’t smile”, de Frank Horvat, nova exposició de fotografia al Castell de Vila-seca
Friday 10 | November | 2023
The exhibition "Please don't smile" is a retrospective of one of the most iconic photographers of the second half of the twentieth century, the Italian-French Frank Horvat (Abbazia (Italy), the current Opatija (Croatia), 1928 - Boulogne-Billancourt, France 2020). The exhibition is part of the ...

Nova exposició al Castell de Vila-seca: ‘Please, don’t smile’ del fotògraf Frank Hovart
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

Castle of Vila-seca hosts, until May 19, 2024, the exhibition "Please don't smile", by photographer Frank Horvat.

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Una muestra plantea un diálogo entre Joan Claret y Joan Vilacasas
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The Fundació Vila Casas presents the exhibition "Joan Claret i Joan Vilacasas", dedicated to these two Catalan artists, based on a donation from the Brigitte and Hans Robert Thomas collection, which can be visited from November 7 to January 14 at the Museu Can Framis in Barcelona.


Vila-seca acull una mostra del mític fotògraf Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The series of snapshots can be visited at the Castell until Sunday, May 19, 2024.

Frank Horvat al Castell de Vila-seca
Thursday 09 | November | 2023
The Castell de Vila-seca opens the doors to its new great exhibition. They are seventy photographs of the Italian-French photographer Frank Horvat, an icon of the second half of the twentieth century. 31,000 people have passed through the exhibition hall of the castle since it opened four years ago ...

Fundació Antoni Vila Casas Castell de Vila-seca acull una retrospectiva de Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023
With the exhibition Please don't smile, the Fundació Antoni Vila Casas presents at the Castell de Vila-seca a retrospective of one of the most iconic photographers of the second half of the twentieth century, the Italian-French Frank Horvat (Abbazia (Italy), now Opatija (Croatia), 1928 - ...

El Castell de Vila-seca acull una mostra de fotografies de Frank Horvat
Thursday 09 | November | 2023

The exhibition 'Please don't smile' can be seen in the municipality of the Gold Coast until May 19, 2024.

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Contemporary Photograpy Museum

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