Fundació Vila Casas
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´Fina Miralles - Des de més enllà del temps´
Thursday 16 | November | 2023
Interview with Maya Creus and Lluïsa Faxedas, curators of the exhibition From Beyond Time by Fina Miralles in the program El Cub Blanc of Ràdio Sabadell. Listen to ...

La Setmana de l’Art arriba amb una seixantena d’activitats
Thursday 16 | November | 2023
Bringing art to the whole population is one of the main objectives of the event, which one more year bets to disseminate the different proposals throughout the territory. Read ...

Algo más de una semana para ir detrás de lo mejor del arte
Wednesday 15 | November | 2023

Fifty galleries and museums are participating in the third edition of an initiative that kicks off on the 23rd.

La (mala) salud de los sanitarios delata la crisis del sistema
Wednesday 15 | November | 2023
A debate at the Fundación Vila Casas to discuss the mental health of professionals ends in criticism of a healthcare system "bankrupt due to neglect". Read ...

La infermera Dra. Maria Romeu, vicepresidenta del COIB, reivindica la necessitat de cuidar la salut mental de les infermeres
Wednesday 15 | November | 2023
The vice-president of the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona (COIB), the nurse Dr. Maria Romeu, has stressed the need to take care of the mental health of all nurses, which indirectly means taking care of the health of citizens. Romeu participated in the colloquium organized by the Antoni Vila ...

El festival Loop aborda l´ecosistema i la recuperació de la memòria
Tuesday 14 | November | 2023

The Loop festival has presented the 21st edition, which will feature 116 artists from November 14 to 24.

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El Festival LOOP presenta su edición más social
Tuesday 14 | November | 2023

The Barcelona event dedicated to video creation presents numerous exhibitions, screenings and performances until November 24.


Joan Claret y Joan Vilacasas. Donación de la Colección Brigitte y Hans Robert Thomas
Tuesday 14 | November | 2023
Joan Claret and Joan Vilacasas, two of the greatest exponents of Catalan abstraction in the second half of the 20th century, dialogue in this exhibition at the Museu Can Framis. Read ...

La Setmana de l´Art es farà del 23 de novembre a l´1 de desembre amb una seixantena d´activitats
Tuesday 14 | November | 2023
The third edition of the Catalan Art Week will be held from November 23 to December 1 with about sixty activities organized by fifty organizations. Read ...

La crisis climfitica devora las pantallas del festival Loop
Tuesday 14 | November | 2023

The Loop festival, Barcelona's most important video art event, returns to the city with its 21st edition and places the environmental crisis at the center of the program.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

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Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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