Fundació Vila Casas
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Set plans per gaudir de l´últim cap de setmana de novembre a Catalunya
Thursday 23 | November | 2023
The art of chocolate, the Xató Festival of Vilanova i la Geltrú and the exhibitions, cultural routes or performances of the Catalan Art Week are some of the proposals for this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Read ...

Thursday 23 | November | 2023

An exceptional person has left us at the age of 92, who with his effort, sensitivity and intelligence was able to build an important legacy for Catalonia: Antoni Vila Casas.

Gran presentació de l´Orfeó Català
Wednesday 22 | November | 2023

Ibercamera opened its 40th season with a strange concert.

Comencem amb Beethoven i una excel·lent prestació de l’Orfeó Català
Tuesday 21 | November | 2023

Ovation at the Auditorium at the end of the opening concert of Ibercamera's 40th Season.

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Bona arrencada d´una temporada especial
Tuesday 21 | November | 2023
Ibercamera opened its 40th season with a concert dedicated first of all to the music of Beethoven, as well as to the memory of the recently deceased Antoni Vila Casas, a patron of recognized value and criteria, patriot and personal friend of Josep Maria Prat, alma mater of this cycle, dean of music ...

El LOOP Barcelona celebra su 21ª edición este año
Friday 17 | November | 2023
The 21st edition of the LOOP festival arrives this weekend in Barcelona with an extensive program of exhibitions, screenings and performances spread over 58 spaces throughout the Catalan capital. Read ...

Una larga semana para descubrir el arte
Friday 17 | November | 2023

The Setmana de l'Art de Catalunya offers about sixty activities in various museums and galleries throughout Catalonia.

Claret i Vilacasas s’abracen en una mostra conjunta a Can Framis
Thursday 16 | November | 2023
It all began in an art gallery with the friendship of two artists and a married couple of German collectors, born in Lüdenscheid, passionate about art and with exquisite taste. Read ...

Médicos y enfermeras no pueden más
Thursday 16 | November | 2023

The pressure of care and the lack of resources aggravate the malaise of the healthcare community.

Antoni Vila Casas, col·leccionista i mecenes únic
Thursday 16 | November | 2023

"The phenomenon of collecting is something innate in a person", Antoni Vila Casas stated with conviction in 2011 in an interview for "Serra d'Or", and added: "Without collecting there would be no art".

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Espai Volart Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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