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L’onzè Fringe Torroella de Montgrí-L’Estartit exhibirà el talent musical emergent
Tuesday 16 | July | 2024
The Fringe Torroella de Montgrí-El Estartit, organized by Joventuts Musicals de Torroella de Montgrí, celebrates its eleventh edition from 20 to 24 July. Seventy young talents will offer 20 concerts of various musical styles in seven venues in Torroella and Estartit. Read ...

El Fringe reuneix una setantena de joves que ompliran de música Torroella i l’Estartit amb 20 concerts gratuïts
Tuesday 16 | July | 2024

The festival will be held from July 20 to 24, fully consolidated as the reference platform for the best emerging musical talent in Catalonia.

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Barcelona Gallery Weekend anuncia las galerías y lxs artistas participantes
Tuesday 16 | July | 2024

An extensive program of exhibitions and activities will be held from September 19 to 23 in Barcelona and L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

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La febre dels museus immersius
Tuesday 16 | July | 2024

We talked about it at “Els matins” with Jordi Sellas, director of Ideal Centre d'Arts Digitals, and Bernat Puigdollers, art director of Fundació Vila Casas.

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Aquest dissabte s’inaugura l’exposició “La mà rebel”, una retrospectiva de Joan Gardy Artigas, a Can Mario
Monday 15 | July | 2024

The exhibition opens this Saturday, July 13, at 12 p.m., at the Can Mario Museum of the Fundació Vila Casas.

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L’11è Fringe Torroella-L’Estartit, cita imperdible del millor talent musical emergent
Monday 15 | July | 2024
The Fringe Torroella de Montgrí-El Estartit, organized by Joventuts Musicals de Torroella de Montgrí, reaches its eleventh edition and has become the unmissable and reference event for the best emerging musical talent in Catalonia thanks to the continued support of the Banco Sabadell ...

Aquest cap de setmana s’inicia la Festa Major de Palafrugell
Monday 15 | July | 2024
This weekend will kick off the Festival of Palafrugell, which will last until July 21. The program of activities focuses on activities related to leisure, culture and popular tradition, such as sardanas, castellers and orchestras. Read ...

La Fundació Vila Casas ret homenatge a Joan Gardy Artigas a través de l’exposició retrospectiva “La mà rebel”
Friday 12 | July | 2024
The Fundació Vila Casas pays tribute to the artist Joan Gardy Artigas (Paris, 1938) through the retrospective exhibition "The Rebel Hand", which opens this Saturday, July 13 at 12 noon at the Can Mario Museum in Palafrugell. Read ...

“No n’he volgut saber mai res, dels artistes vanitosos”
Friday 12 | July | 2024

The Can Mario Museum of the Fundació Vila Casas opens tomorrow the most complete exhibition of Joan Gardy Artigas.

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“No n’he volgut saber mai res, dels artistes vanitosos”
Friday 12 | July | 2024

Son of Miró's trusted ceramist, Josep Llorens Artigas, he was related to some of the main creators of the 20th century.

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