Fundació Vila Casas
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Enrique Lacalle: «Barcelona y Madrid deben cooperar culturalmente»
Thursday 14 | December | 2023
The fourth edition of 'By Invitation' brings together nearly a thousand works of modern and contemporary art at the Círculo Ecuestre. Read ...

L´any Tàpies arriba carregat d´exposicions d´art: així serà el 2024 als museus de Barcelona
Wednesday 13 | December | 2023

Goodbye, year Picasso! Hello, Tàpies year!

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Museo Zuloaga acoge la reunión ‘Hacia un nuevo museo’
Wednesday 13 | December | 2023
The Junta de Castilla y León, through the Museo de Segovia, organizes on Wednesday 13, in its subsidiary the Zuloaga Museum, the conference 'Towards a new museum', a meeting of professionals from different museums in Spain on heritage and artistic legacy, which aims to share experiences to learn ...

El Museo Zuloaga reúne a comisarios para reflexionar sobre la evolución de los espacios culturales
Tuesday 12 | December | 2023

The Junta de Castilla y León, through the Museo de Segovia, organizes tomorrow at its subsidiary, the Zuloaga Museum, the conference 'Towards a new museum', a meeting of professionals from different museums in Spain on heritage and artistic legacy.

Círculo Ecuestre celebra la cuarta edición de By Invitation e incluye el arte digital
Tuesday 12 | December | 2023
Collboni inaugurates this wednesday the exhibition with works by Plensa, Dalí, Barceló, Miró, Tàpies or Picasso. Read ...

Pep Vidal: ´Cada vegada penso menys en la bicefàlia entre el científic i l´artista´
Tuesday 12 | December | 2023

The physical artist is the curator of the exhibition 'A=A, B=B', at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies.

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Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona Celebra la Cuarta Edición de By Invitation con Arte Digital en el Foco
Tuesday 12 | December | 2023
The Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona, a prestigious cultural center, stands as the epicenter of modern and contemporary art with the inauguration of the fourth edition of By Invitation. Read ...

El Círculo Ecuestre entregarà una medalla d’honor a títol pòstum al mecenes cultural Antoni Vila Casas
Monday 11 | December | 2023
The Círculo Ecuestre announced Monday that it will posthumously present a medal of honor to businessman and cultural patron Antoni Vila Casas as part of the 'By Invitation' initiative. Read ...

La ‘revolución’ del Círculo Ecuestre: arte digital junto a obras de Plensa, Dalí o Picasso
Monday 11 | December | 2023
The exhibition By Invitation, located in the business lobby building, brings together 'classic' pieces from the main galleries with artists such as Sixnfive or Mireia Ruiz. Read ...

‘Hacia un nuevo museo’ en el Zuloaga
Monday 11 | December | 2023
The Museum of Segovia is organizing next wednesday, at its subsidiary the Zuloaga Museum, the conference 'Towards a new museum', a meeting of professionals from different museums in Spain on heritage and artistic legacy, which aims to share experiences to learn and evolve towards models of museum ...

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