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Obertes les inscripcions de la VII Clínic Barcelona Summer School
Monday 03 | June | 2024
For the seventh consecutive year, the Hospital Clínic Barcelona and the Fundació Vila Casas are promoting the 7th edition of the Clínic Barcelona Summer School to be held from July 1 to 12. Registration for the sessions is now open. In total there will be 11 sessions in a blended format in which ...

El Fimag de Torroella de Montgrí tancarà diumenge amb més de 5.200 entrades venudes i una ocupació del 90%
Monday 03 | June | 2024
This year's Fimag wanted to explore the more personal side of magic and illusionism in venues such as Casa Galibern, Cine Petit, Palau Solterra, La Tina or La Sala. Read ...

Tota la programació del cap de setmana de Festes de Primavera i Carroussel Costa Brava a Palafrugell 2024
Monday 03 | June | 2024
Open days to the cultural facilities. The weekend of June 1 and 2 you can visit for free the museums and foundations of Palafrugell. Read ...

Monday 03 | June | 2024
L'Espai Art l'Abadia de Sant Joan de les Abadesses will host the exhibition “Els Marges de l'Abisme” by Jordi Martoranno, from June 8 to September 22, 2024.  Read ...

Nit del Galerisme. Premis GAC 2024
Wednesday 29 | May | 2024

Artist Jordi Pericot and gallery owner Miguel Marcos, GAC 2024 honorary awards.

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El anhelo de comprender el mundo
Tuesday 28 | May | 2024
“Scientists who have had the good fortune to discover new things know that when truth is found ‘everything fits,’ a sensation akin to the perception of beauty. And the other way around: when something is beautiful it resonates with a universal empirical truth. Science and art are expressions ...

Antoni Vila Casas, fer país pel futur
Saturday 25 | May | 2024

We live in a polarized society that does not want to grow horizontally. This also happens in the world of art and competitions to be better than others.

Pep Duran transforma decorats en fotocollages al Museu Can Framis de Barcelona
Saturday 25 | May | 2024
Pep Duran Esteva (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1955) has always cultivated collage as a tool to interpret the world. He is one of the artists who has most asserted the principle of collage: constructing on the basis of fragments. The artist understands collage as if it were a musical score for the stage. ...

Últims dies de “Papers d’ombra” de Pep Duran Esteva a Can Framis
Thursday 23 | May | 2024
Until May 26th you can visit "Shadow Papers" by Pep Duran Esteva at Can Framis. This exhibition compiles all the works made with old paper decorations, created over the years and which reveals the use of both the front and back of the papers. Read ...

El pueblo de Girona donde regresar a la Costa Brava más auténtica
Thursday 23 | May | 2024

From Candelaria to Can Mario Museum.

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Temporary Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Espai Volart Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Painting Museum

Can Framis Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Sculpture Museum

Can Mario Telèfon E-mail Localització
Contemporary Photograpy Museum

Palau Solterra Telèfon E-mail Localització

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