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CONTEMPORARY ART - EXHIBITIONS - Temporary contemporary art exhibitions

Agustí Puig - The poetics of gesture

18/03/2023 - 29/10/2023
Castell Vila-seca

As part of the collaboration agreement signed with Ajuntament de Vila-secaFundació Vila Casas presents Agustí Puig. La poètica del gest (Agustí Puig. The poetics of gesture), an exhibition that features the recent work by the painter from Sabadell, and explores the various disciplines that the artist works with, such as sculpture, ceramics, engraving and drawing. In addition, the exhibition includes previously unexhibited works that were created ad hoc by the equipment at Castell de Vila-seca

Agustí Puig (Sabadell, Barcelona, 1957) evokes the great enigmas of existence, which he wraps in emotional intensity, an energy that materializes in the density of the painting, in the superposition of elements from a range of origins that create a beautiful surface of time and memory. Because in the anthropomorphic forms of anonymous characters or in the fragmentation of the body – one of the features of postmodernity and the genesis of the current exhibition – the artist has traced an energetic vital gesture that incorporates the alchemy of a remote time assembled in the present. Thus, painting is conceived in the intuition of the moment – alluding to Gaston Bachelard –, in the energetic gesture that draws on its power in a random way, in the air that embraces the stroke that is expressed on the base.



Exhibition curated by Natàlia Chocarro.

DestinationCastell Vila-seca



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Espais Volart
Can Mario
Palau Solterra

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