Photography has enabled us to see the world with different eyes, to get closer to a bygone time, which we perceive as distant and familiar, in equal parts. Because the images that exist in the world today are also our legacy and we can access a time that no longer belongs to us, yet one which encourages us to keep moving forward.
With the intention of paying tribute to one of the most lucid and important voices in photojournalism in our country – in 2021, she won the National Photography Prize, along with many other awards – the Fundació Vila Casas, with the support of Ajuntament de l’Escala, presents the exhibition Pedra, marbre… cel i mar (Stone, marble,,, sky and sea), a transoceanic flight that follows the tracks of the Catalans who went to the Americas. Nevertheless, and against all odds, Pilar Aymerich has set her sights on cemeteries, spaces of silence in which artistic expression sculpts, with defiant elegance, eternal rest.