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CONTEMPORARY ART - EXHIBITIONS - Temporary contemporary art exhibitions

Jordi Martoranno - On the margins of the Abyss

08/06/2024 - 22/09/2024
Espai Art l'Abadia, Sant Joan de les Abadesses

The artistic career of the painter Jordi Martoranno (Girona, 1965) is very rich and has been continually evolving throughout the years. From his interest in the connection between humankind, nature and the cosmos, to the study of the origin and evolution of the symbols that have helped mould our culture, he is an artist who makes his painting an opening through which we can sense or perceive a side of the world that we often omit and find hard to communicate.

The exhibition Els marges de l’Abisme (On the margins of the Abyss) directly connects with the thought of Chantal Maillard about the “margins”, understood as the space containing everything that we cannot say or have not known how to express in words. Martoranno highlights those sides of reality that remain indiscernible and unfathomable using a refined yet enigmatic language, based on a silent observation of the world, conveying the transience of life and the limits of the human condition.

Martoranno recognizes, as Maillard also does, the transcendental and metaphysical dimension of art, serving as the fissure through which we can become aware of the Being or the enigma. Thus, the current exhibition places us on the margins where both creators work from: in the space between humankind and the mystery of the Abyss, between the surface and the unattainable infinity.

Exhibition curated by Natàlia Chocarro, art adviser to the presidency of Fundació Vila Casas, as part of the “Punts de fuga” (Points of escape) programme, an initiative that arises from the artists featured in the permanent collection to create proposals for new exhibition projects within our territory and beyond it.


Espai Art l'Abadia

DestinationEspai Art l'Abadia, Sant Joan de les Abadesses



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