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CONTEMPORARY ART - EXHIBITIONS - Temporary contemporary art exhibitions

Jordi Fulla - Llindars en el punt immòbil del món que gira

22/01/2016 - 14/02/2016
Centre d'Art i Creació Can Manyé

“While I was travelling around working on drawing up some maps, my attention was drawn to certain small structures which, although I had noticed them before, surprised me by the profusion with which they were dotted around the landscape and their sense of mystery as receptacles of memories. Memories of the countryside and memories of human activity stretching back for centuries. Quietly spoken watchers of time and man’s relationship with his environment.” Jordi Fulla talking about his project Llindars en el punt immòbil del món que gira.

Llindars en el punt immòbil del món que gira (Thresholds to a fixed point in a world that turns) is the latest artistic venture by Jordi Fulla (Igualada, 1967). The work maps out the stone architecture of a rural nature commonly found in the Mediterranean basin, in various exhibitions held all over the region. Known as cabanes de pedra seca or drystone huts, these examples of ancestral architecture act as points of communion between the land and the sky, placing man at a fixed site from which to view the universe.

Link Can Manyé Centre d’Art i Creació:

DestinationCentre d'Art i Creació Can Manyé



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