There are places where silence imposes a subtle ubiquity, where the landscape stretches beyond the horizon and where the unfazed stones seem to suffocate the weight of history. They are the spaces of solitude, of observation and introspection, of letting oneself be challenged in a bold gesture that is not without restlessness.
With Elogi del silenci (In praise of silence), a selection of works from the Fundació Vila Casas’ photography collection, we propose to explore landscapes and interiors, spaces stolen from the most mundane everyday life but which, under the artist’s gaze, become sublime. The hegemony of the techno-scientific worldview that is predominant today requires silence – or, much the same thing, contemplation – if it is to contribute to a more plural perception of the world.
Participant artists: Bleda y Rosa, Soledad Córdoba, Michael Dunev, Francesca Llopis, Janelle Lynch, Aleydis Rispa, Teresa Romanillos, Mònica Roselló, Victoria Sambunaris, Álvaro Sánchez-Montañés.
Exhibition curated by Natàlia Chocarro.