Des de la cambra (From the Room), the latest exhibition of work by Agustí Puig (Sabadell, 1957), shown as part of the Itiner’ART programme, probes the questions that assail the human spirit in a subterranean pictorial installation: a corridor where the walls are covered with large canvases bringing together symbols and motifs from the artist’s output – eyes, tormented faces, rickety sticks, the obsessive presence of numerical figures and clock faces marking the passage of time – to recreate the scenery of deep existential thought.
The exhibition, which displays the artist’s most recent work and breaks down the barriers between traditional artistic disciplines, contains large woodcuts, sculptural work of primitive refinement and ceramics that retain the languid gesture of man.
In conjunction with the exhibition, the Escola Municipal d’Art (EMA)-Centre Cultural La Mercè has organised a workshop led by the artist which, entitled Sense por (No Fear), will explore the essence of the creative process and how the artist’s gaze aligns itself with the range of creative techniques to hand. The workshop will be held in the same centre on 8, 15, 22 and 29 April, from 5 pm to 8 pm. Previous booking required.
For further information:
Agustí Puig. “Des de la cambra”
Escuela Municipal de Art-Centro Cultural La Mercè
Agustí Puig. Taller monográfico “Sense por”
Escuela Municipal de Arte-Centro Cultural La Mercè