The Fundació Vila Casas presents, as part of Itiner’ART and in collaboration with the University of Barcelona and the Badalona Council, the project De la fragilitat en l'art (Of the Fragility in Art), which explores the vulnerability inherent in human beings through the gaze of two artists from the collection.
After Agustí Puig, Mayte Vieta (Blanes, 1971) is showing her work Bodies of Light, which explores the intangible that is hidden from our sight, through the projected images and sequence of two photographic series and an installation. Her timeless and sublime images reveal the immensity of nature, approached by the Romantics in their scrutiny of the hidden areas of the unconscious.
For further information:
Sala Josep Uclés. Centro Cultural El Carme
Francesc Layret, 78-82, planta -1
93 483 26 34
Badalona (Barcelona)
Opening Times: Tuesday-Saturday: 10 am-2 pm and 4 pm-8.30 pm.