Exhibition of some 30 pieces - produced between the late 1990’s and 2013 - by painter and printmaker Agustí Puig, born in Sabadell in 1957. They are rapidly produced, vibrant works in which earthy colours, reds, whites, and blacks become spaces for reflection on the essence of life. Influenced by the Transavantgarde, comics, and graphic design, Puig delves into the roots of Pop art in a body of work that has man and his context at its core. The show, in the museum’s Espai AØ until February, reaches beyond the conventional concepts of exhibition space and two-dimensional works suspended on walls. Instead, Wanted to be Mist, Wanted to be Wind recreates the scene of a funerary chamber, where viewers feel as though they are in the foyer of a large theatre with “vanitas” paintings playing the central role.