Featured in the latest exhibition in the series “An artist from the collection” are Jordi Guillumet (Barcelona, 1953) and Mònica Roselló (Tarragona, 1961). Coinciding with the show La vista renuncia, which is also on at the Palau Solterra museum, the “artist from the collection” display sets up a dialogue between a piece from the series Imburg (2006) by Jordi Guillumet and one from the series Road (2001) by Mònica Rosselló.
Guillumet, using the cyanotype process, creates an imaginary city, a skyline composed of book spines as containers of ideas; a city built on knowledge. Roselló, in her series Road, photographed the impasse, the transit between one city and another, time suspended on a journey, a non-place in movement that leads us to buildings or indeed the knowledge hidden away inside a book.