The exhibition Interseccions (Intersections) is a dialogue between the photographers Pilar Aymerich (Barcelona, 1943) and Manel Armengol (Badalona, Barcelona, 1949).
During the nineteen-seventies – those tumultuous years that tried to make up for decades of repression and exile – both photographers, each one from a distinct place and perspective, took to the streets to try and capture those historic events that were taking place in the city of Barcelona: the demonstrations against the law on adultery, the Diada (Catalan national day) in 1976, the strikes by workers demanding better working conditions and long series of tempestuous moments that shook up a rebellious society after decades of dictatorship.
This exhibition of over forty photographs shows that Aymerich and Armengol were in the same place, documenting the same events and even sometimes choosing the same protagonists for their photographs. Years later, with both photographers’ extensive work at our disposal, we have found connections between photographs – some very obvious while others are not so clear – and we have once again created a dialogue between two characters who fought for a freer, less restricted country.