Andrea Torres Balaguer (Barcelona, 1990) presents Inside The Unknown, an exhibition of almost fifty photographs taken between 2013 and 2019. Drawn from successive series the artist has created during her brief but intense career, the pieces are shown within an implicit narrative that has been a constant since her early work. Curated by Glòria Bosch and Mercè Vila, the show kicks off within the world of dreams and Surrealism, with the series “Hypnagogia” and “Moon”, to evolve towards an introspective universe where the female body and the multiple identities that inhabit it take on a more central role, with "The Unknown” being the main series.
Torres Balaguer has explored the relationships established between femininity and nature using symbolism and the transcription of dreams, finding inspiration in magic realism and psychoanalysis. Her pictures experiment with the conscious and subconscious and, thinking about the concept of scene-action, the artist creates works that suggest narratives and invites the viewer to interpret them, while testing the limits between reality and fiction. With the passing of time, this oneiric universe dissipates to give way, almost exclusively, to the female figure, eclipsing those stories freighted with characters to present herself, alone, both in front of and behind the camera. Inside The Unknown traces the artist’s creative development and signals new paths, yet to be mapped, that the young photographer has just set out on.