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CONTEMPORARY ART - EXHIBITIONS - Temporary contemporary art exhibitions

ELISAVA: The forest

20/06/2024 - 31/01/2025
Can Framis, Barcelona

The Forest is a place where time stands still and nature reigns supreme, where shadows dance with light and wind whistles through trees. It is a place to escape; a place where voices are free to express themselves, but also one in which they remain only whispers. The Forest is a place to reflect, reimagine, and reset.    

We are a group of young photographers from around the globe, members of a generation whose formative years have been plagued by a tempest of global events that have shattered the foundations of our global community. With other young people in Barcelona aged 18-27, we have taken to the green areas of El Poblenou to visually articulate the perceptions and aspirations that our generation holds towards the future Through testimony and image, The Forest sheds light onto an ecosystem of uncertainty, optimism and hope. It is our collective response to the emergency that we are facing. 

The Forest is a physical and online installation conceived and produced for the Can Framis Museum by the students of the ELISAVA Master in Photography and Design 2023-2024, in collaboration with Vila Casas Foundation.    

Artists / Curatorial team:  
Francesca Bari, Li Bing, Paolo Buso, Fabio Di Pietrantonio, Shabnam Ferdowsi, Daniela León, Patrick Martin, Paula Mateu, Seok Park, Daniela Portillo, Felix Razum, Charlotte Rühl, Sukriti Singh, Bartosz Sobolewski. 

Director: Pedro Vicente
Tutors: Natasha Christia, Ivan Hugo, Elena Olcina, Pedro Vicente.  



Can Framis
Espais Volart
Can Mario
Palau Solterra

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