If Madola's work can be encapsulated in three essential elements such as earth, water and fire, as well as in certain simple hand gestures that she applies to the material like flattening, building up, cutting, transforming..., then the depth of the sculptural work she has created over the course of nearly sixty years of artistic practice is not so easy to summarize in the same way. Her work explores the relationship between what is more everyday, intimate or simple, and the most profound, spiritual and even sacred aspects of life. Two sides that meet in the same gesture or in the same form: between a house and a temple, between a vase and a chalice, between a table and an altar, between a box and an urn, between a stone and a monument.
She has always been loyal to the same material – ceramics –, and her work is deeply rooted in an ancestral practice of working with the primordial elements. Coming from the awareness of this legacy, much of her focus for reflection is about the forms, architectures or gestures that humanity has developed in distinct periods and different cultures. Always in search of something that remains invisible to our eyes, a mystery, or something that is hidden from us with the certainty that we will never fully know what it is.
Curated by Caterina Almirall.
© Madola. S/t. De la sèrie “Cases”, 2014. VEGAP, 2024. Fotografia: Xavi Padrós