The exhibition 'Una manera de ver' (A Way of Seeing), on at the Espais Volart until 15 December, explores the connections between the diverse artworks which make up the Colección Ars Citerior from the Comunidad Valenciana. Commissioned by Javier Martín, the show is organised into five areas which bring together various pieces of contemporary art in order to offer a broad view of painting in Spain over the last seven decades.
The display consists of small and medium-format works by artists who are Spanish or work in Spain. They are from the artistic period stretching from the second half of the 20th century to today and mainly centre on lyrical abstraction and geometric works – two tendencies featuring heavily in the collection.
The artists exhibiting include; Albano, Marlon de Azambuja, Dis Berlin, Monika Bich, Francisco Farreras, Robert Ferrer i Martorell, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Guillermo Lledó, Águeda de la Pisa, Rafa Macarrón, Jaume Rocamora, Gerardo Rueda, Eusebio Sempere, Salvador Victoria and José María Yturralde.