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Tour of the collection from the Perspective of Gender


Interactive tours: ESO and Batxillerat

This tour goes on an itinerary through the galleries with a dialogued observation of the artworks, that encourages students’ participation with an interactive activity in front of each work, based on some general notions.

The aim is to get to know the work by the artists featured in Fundació Vila Casas’ collection, to highlight the diversity in their work in the context of contemporary Catalan art and, at the same time, stimulate debate and critique adapted to the students’ age, background and interests.

The painted woman, the female nude, the painter and the model are all examples of the image of women in a stereotyped approach to gender and sociocultural constructions.

In this activity we present unpublished materials that help us get to know part of the collection, and interpret it from the perspective of gender to contribute to an understanding and study of the situation for the Woman Artist in Catalonia from the sixties to the present day. She, the great forgotten one in history, is still a pending topic in equality between men and women, both in collections of art and elsewhere.


Length of activity: approximately 1.5 hours.

Location: Museu Can Framis

Cost: €70 per group / class

Maximum 30 students per group. (There may be two activities taking place simultaneously involving 60 students divided into the two groups.)


More information: (+34) 93 320 87 36 / (Alba Garcia).

Can Framis, Barcelona
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