Fundació Vila Casas
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The collection

The collection is the point of convergence where the plural vision of the collector Antoni Vila Casas meets contemporary art. It is a map of movements and decisions to accept particular works that embrace different ideologies and creative languages. Encompassing the period between the 1960’s and the present, with a few previous exceptions, a number of currents of pictorial and sculptural creation in Catalonia are displayed. Only the photography collection is within an international framework.


Fina Miralles
Sabadell, Barcelona, 1950

She is considered to be one of the first Catalan conceptual artists. In the early seventies, she began creating art in the natural environment featuring a social critique of the latter years of the Francoist regime, as well as a dialogue between nature itself and artificiality. In the late nineties – following a period travelling through South America and Europe – she settled in Cadaqués, where she took up action art and performance once again.

Joan Miró
Barcelona, 1893 - Palma, Mallorca, 1983

Miró’s work offers one of the most unique visions of the surrealist current and reflects the constant interest in the subconscious, the dream world, childhood memories and the Catalan land. A painter, sculptor, ceramist and engraver who, from detailed essays and almost calligraphic conceptions imbued with innovative trends from Paris, comes into contact with the surrealists which leads towards a synthetic and expressive approach. Joan Miró generated a visual language and an iconography that became standards of poetic compositions that subtly combine figure and signs, and that reached their maximum simplification through colour and essential forms. One of the artist’s most significant contributions was the creation of the Fundació Joan Miró, designed by Josep Lluís Sert in 1975 and dedicated to disseminating the prevailing artistic trends and promoting Catalan artists.

Xavier Miserachs
Barcelona, 1937 - 1998

Santu Mofokeng
Johannesburg, República de Sud-àfrica, 1956 - 2020

Santi Moix
Barcelona, 1960

L’obra de Santi Moix es caracteritza per l’acumulació i la fragmentació, la sensualitat i un sentit poètic de la forma en un espai horitzontal pla, dens i vital. Trenca amb la imatge de continuïtat, digressions que avancen i retrocedeixen per a finalment construir esquemàtiques estructures biomorfes. Pintures i escultures que són elements en moviment, com laberints que es ramifiquen fins a l’infinit, provocant una reflexió sobre un món fluctuant arrossegat per la fastuositat i la rapidesa que ens introdueix en un temps diferent, lliure, vital, desbordant i passiona

Mihail Moldoveanu
Bucarest, Romania, 1953

Manel Molí
La Portella, Lleida, 1936 - Terrassa, Barcelona, 2016

Alejandro Molina
Sevilla, 1952 - Barcelona, 2014

Esteve Monegal
Barcelona, 1880 - 1970

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