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Talk on the work of Jordi Fulla

Thursday 11, April, 2019 19:00h - Thursday 11, April, 2019
Can Framis, Barcelona

In conjunction with the exhibition Llindar i celístia, which opened at the Can Framis Museum on 11 February, a talk is being held to give voice to different personalities from the world of culture who will analyse the works on show from very different viewpoints. 

Jordi Fulla, whose work features in the exhibition, will talk with the writer and journalist Pere Antoni Pons and the artist Isidre Manils. The debate will be chaired by Natàlia Chocarro, deputy director of art at the Fundació Vila Casas and curator of the exhibition.

By reservation only. Please call 933 208 736 or email

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Pere Antoni Pons (Campanet, Mallorca, 1980). Graduate in English Philology from the University of Barcelona.

He has published books in a variety of fields and genres including poetry, novels, essays and journalism. His first novel, La felicitat dels dies tristos, came out in 2010. The following year he published his second, Tots els dimonis són aquí, and in 2014, Si t'hi atreveixes. His books of poetry include El fibló i la festa (2003), Fervor tan fosc (2007) and Aquí, on passa tot (2017). He is also the author of several books of interviews, including La vida, el temps, el món: sis dies de conversa amb Joan Francesc Mira (2009), Guillem Frontera. Paisatge canviant amb figura inquieta (2017), and Conversaciones con Jean Marie del Moral (2018). As a journalist, he contributes to various newspapers and magazines with book and art reviews, interviews, opinion pieces, and articles and reports on socio-political and cultural affairs.

Isidre Manils (Mollet del Vallès1948), painter and teacher from Sabadell. His family owned the Ateneo cinema and this contact with the world of cinema together with his interest in painting were to shape his future career.   At the end of the 1980s he changed from design to teaching and started giving classes at the Escola Massana, where he is currently a teacher. 

Since the 1970s he has had both joint and solo exhibitions while also regularly participating in contemporary art fairs and biennials.



Can Framis
Espais Volart
Can Mario
Palau Solterra

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