Fundació Vila Casas
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Museums at Night 2018

Saturday 19, May, 2018 19.00 h - Saturday 19, May, 2018 - 1.00 h
Can Framis, Barcelona

One of the central events to mark World Museum Day is Museums at Night. Promoted by the Council of Europe, this is the fourteenth year it has been held and it will take place on the night of Saturday 19 May.  A number of museums around Catalonia will be open until after midnight, offering various cultural/leisure events.  

Once again the Fundació Vila Casas Can Framis Museum is taking part in the initiative with the following programme of activities:  an open doors day and guided visits to the permanent exhibition Monologue, Dialogue and Concept and the temporary exhibition Pere Portabella; Cinema, Art and Politics, as well as the presentation of the project The Coconut Effect, by the artist Anna Irina Russell.

Open Doors Day

Free entry from 7 pm to 1 am to the Can Framis Museum collection – over 300 works by both well-known and emerging artists from the contemporary Catalan art scene – and the temporary exhibition Pere Portabella; Cinema, Art and Politics, featuring work by the political activist and filmmaker Pere Portabella.

Guided visits of the permanent exhibition Monologue, Dialogue and Concept

Between 7.30 pm and 10 pm there will be two guided visits, each lasting approximately one hour, of the permanent exhibition Monologue, Dialogue and Concept.

The Can Framis permanent painting collection brings together a great number of artists who are vital to our understanding of the Catalan contemporary art scene: Albert Ràfols-Casamada, Josep Guinovart, Joan Ponç, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Evru, and Lluís Lleó are just some of the artists encountered on this guided tour allowing us to immerse ourselves in the contemporary painting of our country.

Guided visit of the show Pere Portabella; Cinema, Art and Politics

There will be a guided visit, lasting an hour, at 9 pm of the temporary exhibition.

The exhibition Pere Portabella; Cinema, Art and Politics focuses on the figure of one of the most prominent filmmakers and political activists in the country. Conceived and directed by Pere Portabella and Antoni Vila Casas, the display is set out in five sections presenting different facets of the figure of Portabella.

The Coconut Effect

From 7 pm to 1 am, in collaboration with Hangar, the Fundació Vila Casas presents The Coconut Effect, by Anna Irina Russell.

The Coconut Effect is set up as a channel for communication via gameplay, creating a space for relating between subjects, sound and space that is modified and fed back into itself during the unfolding of each game. That which is realistic is not necessarily real, but is that which has the appearance of being real.  Using the sport of Ping-Pong and starting with the disassociation between the physical object and the aural object, a series of sounds are activated and coexist in a single ambience as a result of the actions of the participants, exploring falseness and the overlapping of very different realities, so as to generate a new fictitious space within our hearing.




Can Framis
Espais Volart
Can Mario
Palau Solterra

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