Espais Volart hosts the presentation of the book El silenci de l’angle. Guillem Viladot o el desfici del jo (The silence of the angle. Guillem Viladot or the deficiency of the self). The author, Teresa Ibars, will help us understand Guillem Viladot from his most psychological sides and from a discovery of the man who, since Temps d’estrena (Premiere time) until his last breath, dedicated himself, in a somewhat obsessive way, to researching the self and the pacification of those whom he considered to be his ghosts. Teresa Ibars will be joined by Pau Minguet, curator of the exhibition Guillem Viladot, Unceasing experimentation on show at Espais Volart, Mercè Ibarz, writer and Josep Gelonch, editor.
Teresa Ibars, author of the book
Pau Minguet, curator of the exhibition
Mercè Ibarz, writer
Josep Gelonch, editor
Date: Thursday 26th May, 6.30 p.m.